Largest Insider Stock Purchases Belonged in Biotech and Energy the Week of 9/18/23
Two verticals constituted the lion share of insider purchases last week. In biotech, Neumora Therapeutics (NMRS) saw Amgen (AMGN) and the CEO buying shares. Rayzebio (RYZB) and Ambrx Bio (AMAM) also saw large insider accumulation. In the energy field, Chargepoint Holding (CHPT), Highpeak Energy (HPK) (where both the CEO and the President bought), Enphase Energy (ENPH), CNX Resources (CNX), and Riley Exploration (REPX) also saw insiders acquire substantial amounts of shares.
Outside the biotech and energy verticals, of note are insider purchases at Maplebear (Instacart) (CART), Asana (ASAN) (where the CEO has been buying shares for months), and Westrock Coffee (WEST).
CHPT buyer Wil VanLoh founded Quantum Energy Partners in 1998 and serves as CEO of the firm and as Chairman of Quantum’s Executive and Investment Committees. Prior to Quantum, he co-founded Windrock Capital, Ltd., an energy investment banking firm. Prior to Windrock, he worked in the energy investment banking groups of Kidder, Peabody & Co. and NationsBank. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Jagged Peak Energy Inc. (JAG).
Chargepoint, an electric vehicle (EV) charging technology solutions provider, is not profitable yet, a major handicap in the current market. Still, it is expected to turn profitable within a couple of years...
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