Trailblazer UiPath's Path to Higher Altitudes
Investing Rationale
As it revolutionized not one, but several industries, Amazon's stock went from $.08 to $123 (as of end of day, June 7, 2022, after adjusting for splits) in 25 years. Invest $10,000 at or shortly after the IPO, and two decades and a half later, you find yourself inheriting a fortune of $15,375,000. Essentially, one dollar turns into $15,000. You read that right! All you had to do back then, and we have to do now, is pick the right horse and never sell. Hold, no matter what. Bears, wars, revolutions, bugs and viruses, recessions, terrorism, inflation, presidents, hardly make a dent.
Let's find the next Amazon. We'll make some mistakes along the way and apologize for the errors of our ways. But we sure hope to find some incredible winners in the process and help you, dear, create true wealth, aka, build a fortune. It's Ok to start small. Think of it this way, all you need is a few dollars. Only our ambition shall not be tiny, hope must stand tall.
Let's be patient, ignore the vagaries of bear markets (not only taking them in stride, but also profiting from the collapse in prices to buy jewels for cheap), and let both businesses and stocks compound. Never sell, or at least not before you have found your 1,000 baggers. 25 years is a long time. Let's live a long life then, as many great investors and fund managers do (think Warren Buffett, George Soros, Carl Icahn, etc.) and help others do the same. All on the same boat. As anthropologist Ashley Montagu puts it, "The idea is to die young as late as possible."
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The Case for UiPath
Please, check out https://seekingalpha.com/article/4544719-uipath-higher-stock-price-will-likely-come-to-pass, an article we contributed on Seeking Alpha that lays out in detail why we believe Ui Path (PATH) qualifies as a promising investment.
UiPath, Inc. is the largest player in the Robotic Process Automation market. The firm offers an end-to-end platform for automation, combining the robotic process automation (RPA) solution, with a full suite of capabilities (artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.) to enable every organization to rapidly scale digital business operations. The Company's platform is designed to transform the way humans work. It provides its customers with a robust set of capabilities to discover automation opportunities and build, manage, run, engage, measure, and govern automations across departments within an organization. The Company's platform enables its software robots to perform an array of actions. These actions include, but are not limited to, logging into applications, extracting information from documents, moving folders, filling in forms, and updating information fields and databases. The Company's platform interacts with and automates processes across a company's existing enterprise stack.
Source: UiPath's Website
UiPath may constitute a significant wealth creation opportunity for long-term investors.
Again, we invite you to check out our in-depth analysis including platform, markets, financials, valuation, risks, etc., at:
Price at time of publication:
$12.80 quote: Oct 4, 2022, 9:30 AM ET
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